Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I love how babies have no concept of something being dirty. Because if my kid understood the concept I can guarantee you that she would not be wallowing around on a nasty, smelly, probably flea infested dog pillow that only gets washed once every 6 months. You couldn't pay me to lay my head on that thing. But here's Miss. Sophie B. having a grand time on Oscar's bed. Happy as a pig in sh*t. Now that's one you don't hear every day!


Wendy said...

That is so funny. Elaina always crawls in the dog kennel on the nasty bed, and it makes me cringe. YUcky!! Why do they love it so?

Jonathan's Mommy said...

Why is it that all children share some intrinsic traits? Jonathan would live in Arthur's kennel if I let him. YUCK!

Stephanie said...

Just last night Gracie crawled into Winnie's crate and shute the door and loved it! I agree...NASTY!

Megan said...

Too cute! I know exactly what you mean. Eleanor puts her cat hair-covered passie right back in her little mouth. EEEWWWW!

supermommysquared said...

Hailey LOVED our dog pillow and I am sure Max will love it just as much soon enough. It makes me gag to think about them laying on it, and that means it is REALLY dirty because I am not a big germ freak.

Jami said...

Zack loves our dog's pillow too. It totally grosses me out. Last weekend he dumped his bowl of raisins on the pillow and sat and ate off of it. I finally got him distracted so the dog could finish them off, eww!