Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Puddle Jumpin'

What can I say. We went outside. There was a huge puddle in front of our neighbors house. We let her go for it. And go for it she did! I don't think there was any water left in the puddle once Little Bit finished with it.

And I'm having bloggers block so I'll bore you with some mundane details of our piddly little lives. There has been a little change in ye ole schedule around casa de Carr. That sucker is pretty much chiseled in stone and I hate to mess with it. Normally we start Sophie's bedtime routine a little after seven and she's normally sound asleep by 7:45. However, for the past 3 nights she has screamed and cried for almost an hour when we put her in her crib to go "nite nite" (it's so cute when she says it!). So we decided that since she's getting a little older maybe she doesn't need quite as much sleep. This evening we didn't start the routine until 7:30 and everything went much smoother. Right now it's 8:30 and she's sound asleep. Did anyone else's kiddos go through and anti-nite nite phase around 16 months?


Janice said...

Kim, I go through this all the time! Just when I think one is getting in a better schedule, the other spawn decides to cause a ruckus in the house and make things more interesting:P .

Sophie's expressions jumping on the puddle are priceless!!!!

Maria said...

Oh no, don't tell me these things, I am very strict with the schedule as well!

Anonymous said...

Yeah well, if you want to see a schedule truly gone awry, please drop by my house any weeknight after 7 pm. I was sooo scheduled with Travis and he was such a good boy...then came Andrew and Evan. I swear they do things just to spite me, and I think they actually coordinate their late night rendevous so they can alternate who gets to sleep decent on what night! And now I have to try to get the baby to sleep in the middle of their chaos!
All I can say is hang in there and be a little flexible when need be. If she took a longer or later nap, she may need a little later bed time. Still try to stick to the core schedule as much as possibe, but if she needs an extra story, is it really going to hurt if she's up an extra 15 minutes?

Good Luck - Kel

Jonathan's Mommy said...

We had a similar issue. Jonathan was in bed by seven at the latest until around Sophie's age and then he did not seem ready to go until then. So we moved bedtime back to 7:30 and everything has gone great. So my guess is this is totally normal!

supermommysquared said...

Same thing happened with us at this exact age. We had to move Hailey's bedtime back. It killed me, but she went to sleep happier and was waking up at a normal time rather than 6am :)

Neurotic Atty said...

What? You mean you're tired by 7:45 and need a break already?! Surely not...you've only worked a full day, come home to prepare dinner, entertained a toddler, done a couple loads of laundry, bathed a toddler, and cleaned up after a toddler. Why would you be so anxious to get her in bed by 7:45? ;P Give it up...early bedtime is a pipe dream. But she's so dang cute...you know you secretly enjoy the extra 45 minutes with her.

TwinMommyLawchick said...

YOu don't want to hear this but my kids now don't go to bed til 8:30 on a GOOD night (9 or later most nights) even though we start winddown at 7:30. And they're up no later than 6:30.

It's no wonder I get nothing done around my house...