Monday, July 30, 2007


A girl just can't go anywhere with out an old purse containing a broken watch, an old bracelet, a matchbox car, and an old 35 mm film canister, now can she? I guess she would make a great contestant on "Lets Make-A-Deal" if the opportunity ever arose. (Remember when Monty Hall would ask people in the audience if they had those random items in their purse like an egg timer or a spoon? Great show.)

And what's with the McDonald's cup you ask? That my dear friends is my latest addiction, Mickey D's sweet tea. Have you ever tried it? If you haven't I'd suggest that you never ever ever order it. It's only $1 but you'll fall victim to its sweet deliciousness in a heartbeat. And you'll learn quickly which McDonald's around town make awesome tea and which ones are idiots and pour boiling hot tea over ice cubes negating the term "iced tea" very quickly. Morons. And not to worry, I wasn't allowing Little Bit to drink down my sugar and caffeine rich beverage, I had already sucked that cup dry a long time ago!


Anonymous said...

Love the look! She looks like she is going to make a great shopping buddy. I have to agree about the mickie D ice tea. I get a cup every morning on my way to work.

supermommysquared said...

I love the tea too!! I am recently addicted to their vanilla iced coffee. I carry very little cash on me, just so I won't stop and order it, because I live very near a McD and pass it going virtually everywhere.

Maria said...

I haven't tried the tea but some of those same morons pour hot coffee over ice and call it a McDonalds iced coffee, yum, watered down milk and coffee!

I am proud of Sophie for realizing that the purse makes the outfit already!!

TwinMommyLawchick said...

Love the purse! And especially love the tea, but til I get the last 20 pounds off I'm going for their unsweetened tea with Splenda. I know, not the same at ALL but still good. Nothing in the world beats sweet tea.

And should I be embarassed to admit that my kids LOVE tea and beg for drinks of it when we're out to eat?? It doesn't count until you give it to them in their own cups, right?

Shana-Lynn said...

What a munchkin she is! I do believe that cup is almost as big as her, that's a lot of tea momma;-)He he!!

TwinMommyLawchick said...

I responded to your comment on my blog, there are 2 other 1 year olds, and 4 two year olds.

Jonathan's Mommy said...

She looks SO cute with that big ol' cup. I don't like tea myself but I've been told McDonald's is very good. I'm with Heather on the iced coffee--DELICIOUS!

Jamie said...

I can't stop looking at all of your beautiful photographs. You are GOOD.
Note to self: learn how to use camera. :)

Thanks for checking out my site and entering my contest, it means a lot to me that you took the time. Take care, and good luck!

Neurotic Atty said...

She's a girly-girl alright! Why is she growing so fast, though? You must make her stop!

Janice said...

I love Chick Fil-A's sweet tea but now I HAVE to try Mickey D's!!!

BTW, a girl can never have too many purses.