Friday, July 6, 2007

I need a vacation...

from my vacation!!!!! Oh my god. That's all I can say. Oh my god. I seriously could end it there but I'll elaborate. To those of you who already have children you can ignore the following because you've been there and done that but to those of you who have yet to have children or have yet to take your children on a vacation listen up. Going on vacation with your children is unlike anything you have ever done in your life. There is nothing and I mean NOTHING to compare it to. Think back to every single trip you've ever taken in your life. Now etch those memories into your brain because those kind of trips are a thing of the past. BUT after you take your little one on vacation you have a whole set of unforgettable memories to file away despite the sheer exhaustion you've experienced!

We made it home this afternoon. I have a billion pics to go through but I thought I'd start out with one that I'm super proud of! Sophie and daddy-o playing in the surf. We had a fun and crazy time. As I go through my pics I'll tell you all about our trip. But for now it's off to unpack and unwind.


Wendy said...

Glad you made it home, and I TOTALLY know what you are talking about!! Can't wait to see the other pics! You are such a teaser only posting one beautiful photo!!

Shana-Lynn said...

Beautiful picture! I want to go to the beach now... can't wait to see more.

Janice said...

Yay!!! You're back!!!!! I keep checking in to see if you have any new posts and this picture did not disappoint!!! It is gorgeous!!!!

BTW, John and I have never taken both kids on vacation because going to the mall or even to the park alone can be extremely exhausting. But I wish were going somewhere this summer.

Can't wait to hear more about your trip!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good time, but you've got me a little scared. I LOVE the pic of Sophie and Steven.


Stephanie said...

Gracie is yelling Soapie at the picture right now...she missed her SOAPIE!!!!!

Gracie wants to say hi....lj k j i xiop[p
' m n c 09i
'/! Give us a call when you unwind!!!

TwinMommyLawchick said...

Hehe, I feel your pain. Heck, I even took like 4 extra people who were supposed to "help" last year- yeah right. They were sunning while I was chasing, feeding, clothing and napping.

It is a whole new type of trip, but like you said, many memories! I'm glad you made it back safe and sound and I LOVE the picture! It is so fabulous. Wanna go back with us and be the photographer?? :)

Neurotic Atty said...

LOL! Your mom is reading this and saying, "Tell me about it!" Anyway, glad you had a good time and that you made it home safely. Can't wait to see more pics!!!

Jonathan's Mommy said...

Our pediatrician aptly deemed what you just experienced as a "family trip" rather than a vacation. Now having one post child but yet child free vacation under my belt, there is definitely a diference!

Great picture and I can't wait to see more!!