Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Ha! Get it? I've got a theme going here, camping, s'mores (the most delicious 3 ingredients on the face of the planet), some more photos. Man I'm funny. Anywho, I have to give Stephanie credit for the majority of these super cute pics. She had them posted on her blog but they are just too fun not to share with my peeps as well! I haven't had time to go through all of mine yet but mine are pretty much the same as were were following the girls around with cameras all day! Gees looking at these pics makes me realize just how busy these girls were! We were only at the camp site for 4 hours!!!!!!!! So warning...picture overload!

Some 4-wheeler action. Sophie couldn't figure out how to drive the thing...she tried using her feet like a push-toy. But not to worry Gracie has the driving thing under control (if you call not being able to steer control!)

Then they decided to hit the pool. And of course bubbles belong in a pool. Duh.

Moving on to a little action in the wagon.

Homemade icecream. YUMMY!

Finally they ended the day jumping up and down on the Dora couch.

So as you can see we had a jam packed day! I can't wait to do it again!


Shana-Lynn said...

Did you say, homemade ice cream? I am there girl!

These two girls are so darn cute together. I think Sophie's bathing suit is super cute too.

Jonathan's Mommy said...

Definitely NOT picture overload! Those girls are so adorable! It looks like everyone had a great time!

Jami said...

They look like old friends. I love the last one. It looks like the are sharing a funny story.