Sunday, January 13, 2008

We all scream....

for ice cream! Who is this big girl that is capable of sitting on the couch after dinner with a spoon in one hand and a bowl of ice cream in her lap, chowing down like it's no body's business? I look at this scene and think that it can't possibly be my Little Bit. But it is! When did she go and get all grown up on me? And three times today she looked at me after I handed her something and said "cool mama." What's up with that???

I also look at this scene and think about ripping that bowl out of her hands and hiding in my closet and scarfing it down myself. Man dieting is HORRIBLE!


Jonathan's Mommy said...

Amazing how quickly they grow up, isn't it? You have incredible self control to have ice cream in your house while dieting!

Anonymous said...

She is getting to be quite the big girl isn't she? I like to call her "little miss indepentent".

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Little Bit is growing up right before our very eyes. It is amazing to look at your little one and realize that all of a sudden they are little people with their own little personalities and everything. That is the moment when you can take a deep breath and know that you have done something fabulous in your life by having a child.
Now, if you need someone to be look-out while you steal the ice cream, we can take turns! LOL

Shana-Lynn said...

Wow, there is no way I am ready for that scene in my house. Great Job Sophie!

Good luck with your diet.

Paula said...

That is funny about the cool mama...this week lydia learned to say cool. i have noticed for some reason i use that word very often and she has picked that up from me. i noticed because now everytime i say it, i hear a echo...