Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow Day

Well Sophie gets her first official "snow day" today because day care in CLOSED! I actually had a million things to do at work today AND a dentist appointment. But c'est la vie. We are going to TRY to head over to Gracie's later to play in the snow. So maybe I'll knock the dust off my camera and take some pics!

If you're snowed in too, have a great day off! 


Katie said...

No snow day for us, though my trip to Sago was cancelled due to snow. Jordan had to come to daycare, which wsaz says is closed, but it isn't. Dave is supposed to be blowing up Jordan's sled today, so maybe we can use it this evening or tomorrow if the roads are bad. She has never been on a sled, so I'm not so secretly hoping we can get her on it this week! Enjoy your snow day with Sophie and be careful if you go to visit Gracie.

Jonathan's Mommy said...

No snow day for us either, J-man's school NEVER closes but his new school operates on the regular school closing schedule so maybe next year. Have a great day!

Paula said...

we are lovin the snow day

Jamie said...

Great pics (As always!). Isn't crazy how it takes as long to get dressed as it does to play in the snow? So worth it for the cute pictures though, right? :)