Tuesday, June 24, 2008

10 on T

1. I have a million and one things to do before we leave for vacation and I've yet to do one single thing!

2. Little Bit is doing much better in Ms. PJ's room. Nap time is still a little rough and she's been crying herself to sleep because she wants her Brenda. Poor little thing, it makes me really sad.

3. I had to take Gracie to daycare this morning and I gave her and Sophie M&Ms at 7:40 in the morning! HA! 

4. How much would you pay a six year old to water 5 flowers for a week? I need to employ my little neighbor while we are gone but I feel bad that her mom will probably end up doing the watering!

5. Can I tell you how much it PAINS me to drive my SUV to the beach. I think I need a mini-cooper but Steven thinks I'd be squished on the interstate. Whatever.

6. Have you seen previews for that show "The Baby Borrowers?" I would love to sign Sophie up for that show! Just this past weekend I told my cousin that I should get a tee-shirt made that says "birth-control" to put on her when we go shopping. 

7. I think my child is turning into a hypochondriac. Yesterday morning, her "wegs" (legs) hurt, her belly hurt, her eye hurt, AND her elbow hurt. I think she was trying to get out of going to school!

8. Our trash company is going to get a LOVELY phone call tomorrow morning. The haven't picked up our recycling can in 3 weeks! AND Stephanie witnessed them dumping the recycle can into the same can as the regular trash! A-holes!

9.  Sophie has been obsessed with Shrek lately. I guess there are worse movies out there.

10. Ok, I'm going to do SOMETHING to get ready for vacation instead of surfing the web!

On a side not, I'm glad that this one isn't driving us to the beach!


Janice said...

Hey, Ava has the same dress!

I saw previews for The Baby Borrowers and I am curious to see how those people react. That "Birth Control" shirt would definitely be hilarious!!

And hey, I love M$M's in the morning, he-he!!

Jonathan's Mommy said...

Man, I missed it again! I really need to remember to do this!

Nothing like sugaring the kids up before taking them to day care. As I type this, Jonathan is eating a big ol' bowl of fruity Cheerios!

TwinMommyLawchick said...

Our trash company is going to get a LOVELY phone call tomorrow morning. The haven't picked up our recycling can in 3 weeks! AND Stephanie witnessed them dumping the recycle can into the same can as the regular trash! A-holes!

I KNEW IT! I have never ever seen a separate truck anywhere for recyclables. It makes me feel better that I never called them for bins (but I hear they're out anyway). I am using reusable bags for shopping (when I remember). Home Depot has the BEST ones.

Anonymous said...

They won't even dump my recycling into the trash can and take it! In the 3 months that we've been recycling they've picked it up ONE time!!!!! We finally dumped it in the trash ourselves before we went to the beach. I've called and called and called and I can tell you that they DO NOT CARE. Sometimes they don't even pick up the trash...it's really awesome service.

But I'm with Andrea, it makes me feel better to think that I am at least trying. I too have invested in the reusable bags for grocery shopping and have been pleasantly surprised at the amount of groceries they actually hold- and they are great to use when packing stuff for the beach!


Neurotic Atty said...

Awwww...I hate the one about Sophie crying herself to sleep! That's so sad!

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute! I bet Miss Brenda is just as sad without little Sophie! -Amy

Anonymous said...

God love my baby's heart. I just hate it that she is having such a hard time. Hopefully it will get better soon.

Unknown said...

I am driving my mini cooper to the beach next week! Wahoo!

Jamie said...

Hey there's our dress!
Must be a popular one :)

So sorry about the crying to sleep. That's tough..